Gaelic singing workshop with the Edinburgh Saltire Gaelic
Saturday 21st March
1.00 - 6.00 pm
Duddingston Kirk Hall,
Duddingston Road West. (Buses 42 and 44 from city centre.)
Sessions suitable for beginners as well as more experienced Gaelic singers. Ability to read music not required. Come along and try something different in a fun and relaxing atmosphere!
Singing for Fun and voice coaching with Wendy Carle Taylor (no
experience necessary)
* Gaelic pronunciation with Michael Bauer
- getting the sounds right
* Singing in harmony
To book, send name, address and e-mail, to Pauline Watson, Secretary, 17 Christiemiller Avenue, Edinburgh EH7 6TB, along with a cheque for £10 made payable to 'Edinburgh Saltire Gaelic Choir'. Please also state Gaelic ability: beginner, intermediate or advanced.
Contact: Edinburgh Saltire Gaelic Choir. Please note that places are limited, and registration before 10th March is required.